Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

speech about the differences education between Indonesia and american

this my speech for the final test of smart basic 2 in Smart english Sumbawa and i got first ranking with the best spoken ...
i just want share my experience :)

First of all lets thanks to god who has been givig us bleesing and merchis so we can attend and gather here in good condition.
Next thanks for the chance, that given to me, to give this speech. In good occasion i wil deliver my speech with the title is “ the differences betwwen indonesia education and america.
Ok guys... what do you think about our education in indonesia ? good or bad ? lets check it .
My beloved friends.
If we are talking about education sector in indonesia, indonesia has big problem and nothing resolution for that problem. The problem is “National Examination” no body one people woho do not know that problem. This problem has happen 5-6 years ago. The main of national examination is to make be better education sector in indonesia but in the real life many teachers and student who cooperation to chick when national examination. Its just like “ a dishonest thing in national level”. And other side the students were not confident. Its just like 3 years for 4 days, news about national examination is in one room had 20 packet different but has same level. I think the government must be think about that policy, they were happy, but we were sad if we failed at national examination.
Ladies and Gentleman,
 In America, national examination is nothing and no body one student failed to graduated of senior high school or junior high school and they can continue the lesson at college maybe state university and privat university. If the student have a bad score the teacher must give privat lesson until the student got a good score. I think that is a good policy from government.
The second problem happen in indonesia is every student wanna good score but their have not capability for it, i means every stident wanna good score but they have not study, he just copy unfairly when a quiz. So he can not responsibility for his score. And in indonesia espesially elementary-high school had many theory more than practicles.
Well happy audiences,
To be different in amercia, even though still chick but just little. The student proud of his score although its a bad score but he can responsibility for his score, and in america from elementary-high school have many practicles more than theory.
The last problem i knowed in indonesia is about equality of education, many problems about it. Quality of education in a big city is very different more than quality of education in small village or border area. Its just like education in a big city is heart beat of the country just than education in a small village or border area just stay for bad quality of education in a long time.
Oke i think that all my speech, thanks for your attention, i hope in future education in indonesia can be better from yesterday.
Learn from yesterday, life for today, and hope for tomorrow.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

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