Selasa, 30 Juni 2015

Ethnic Identity, Local Wisdom, and Gotong Royong to Building Peace with Unwritten Rules

Indonesia with a past history of a powerful nation of the history of the kingdom of Majapahit which controls up to almost the entire region of Southeast Asia. After Kingdom of Majapahit the next glory of Indonesia in 1980s in the Orde baru era. 1998 was the beginning of the history of the Reformation era and the start of democratic Indonesia. Democracy in the reform period is expected to be a solution and bridge the aspirations of the people of Indonesia from the Sumatra Island to Papua Island. Indonesia is a country that is praised for its success in running a democracy with the background of this state is the majority religion is moeslem but did not end up the same as the country of Syria, Iraq, and Egypt.

There are three things that make this country can survive in the past the difficult era there are ethnic identities, local wisdom  and mutual aid Societies or “Gotong royong” to survive until today. Samawa is the one endegoneous ethnic in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Ethnic identity as the main characteristics of Samawa tribe, an egalitarian society that  easy in adapting the new development in Globalization era. "Samawa mampis Rungan" means Sumbawa brought news scented or fragrant Sumbawa meaning that people really wanted to present the good news and the peace of the land of Sumbawa. That is important to maintain Sumbawa culture under the role of culture based Development.

Local wisdom is the identity from our ancestor. Sumbawa people famous as the land of honey with honey production as much as 125,000 tons/year. There is a local wisdom in Batudulang Community are protecitng of boan trees (Tetrames nudlifora), according of the community it’s the Boan trees a log chosed by bees to built uap it’s hive. They called Boan trees Because The trees have a lot of beehive, If there is only one beehive, we do not called it as Boan. but in Sumbawa language the name of Boan's Wood is "Binong". For all this time Boan trees are protected by the Community with Unwritten rules. So, Three are uniwritten agreement in the Community to not cutting down of the trees.

Local wisdom and ethnic identity will be suistain if culture of Gotong royong still alive. Gotong royong or Mutual cooperation is an activity undertaken by working without wages or salary in doing something. This tradition up comes up because farmers in the past. Gotong royong as social interaction is happened so that people not only recognize the environment but recognize individuals and neighbors who are nearby as well as the creation of harmony between the communities. Gotong royong in Sumbawa society can be seen in the form of several activities. First of Gotong royong in maintaining security, "Ronda" or nightwatch is activities of a group of people who made a deal to secure the evenings in the area in which the people who have made the deal from 00.00 am to 05.00 am Ronda as a security team duty  but this was done by people themselves who live in that area without any fees or salary of the agreement that has been determined. "Pos ronda" is use as a gathering place and as a patrol officer. After that, Gotong royong in the development of village infrastructure by the community. Sumbawa infrastructure development accelerated with the direct involvement of the Community. Although, most people are farmers but they also have the ability to build infrastructure such as the gutter, fence, even building and renovation of house. Gotong royong in making home is done jointly by the public without any payment or salary but Social interaction is happened. Thirdly Gotong royong in harvest crops, for a full day the whole community will be collected on a farm to be harvested, land owners role as supervisor and other community role as workers, these activities will be carried out every day during the harvest time in different land with different land owners. So, that acts of a supervisor and subordinate also will be different every day.

By : 
Mochammad Isro Alfajri 
Undergraduete Student of Biotechnology
Sumbawa University of Technology

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