Senin, 08 Desember 2014

Last Section - iGEM Giant Jambore 2014 October 30th- November 3rd 2014

November 2nd 2014,
Seventh day in USA
Today is great day for us. For war, for the end of the story of Sumbawagen Team 2014 it will be end happy or sad, it’s depends on presentation today. Mr.sakidi picked up at 07.30 am to breakfast and preparation today, today we divided into two groups they are girls and boys group.

Girls group went to Hyness convention center with mr.sukidi by car and boys group went to Hyness convention center by public transportation. Story today is begining, bang zain, rian, and I use bus number 87 to lechmere station and continue to prudential station.
When we arrived in the station, we go to mr.arif room directly. To met all the members of Sumbawagen team, when I knocked the door, ms.sausan told us to go to table information and ask about daylight save time “The roles as to backwar two hours in European and american”.
Rian and I make it sure what time now, we have got answered from commite and told mr.arif directly. Afther that, Instruction today “We must go to room 210 to attend the presentation, except presentation team (azhar, fahmi, indah, cindy)” mr.arif said. Oke, roger that. Ms.maya, rian, adel, yuli and I go to room 210 directly at 9.00 am. We watched presentation from Austin Texas and uOttwa team, still worry when the rest of the Sumbawagen team coming? Ms. Maya ask Rian to check their condition. At 10.20 am all of the Sumbawagen team coming, I prayed “Oh Allah Give us your help, your power to pass this presentation, give my friends easy of presntation, amien”.
History it’s began Sumbwagen team called by judges. “ actually, I do not know where Sumbawa is ? but come on we watched the presentation” MC judges said. Azhar For the first speaker, fahmi for the second speaker. Cindy and Indah for the next speakers. My heart beat quickly, always smile, and keep calm. Finally, we are succesfull for the presentation. All of judges impressive for our performances. There are 3 question from judges. For the first question what kind of falsification of honey that happen in Sumbawa?. Second, why this device very needed for your region?. And the last question is why in your wiki the project of your team is nothing?. Fahmi answered the last question, it’s because when wiki freeze day in our region has power of electrocity. What so sad our story, but it’s the real. 
Sumbawagen Presentation
After Sumbawagen presentation, Professor michael fischer of MIT give us appreciation that our project very usefull and applicatif it’s because we are using Smartphone android as the device that can be measure glucose concentration of Honey directly from single picture captured from smartphone camera. After the presentation I come to Tokyo Nokogen team that attend our presentation and exactly I selfie with all of the members of Tokyo Nokogen. Actually, I am very interest about japan because they culture, life style and education. I am often wacthed japanese movie like the last samurai, dragon zakura, also many of japanese anime, but my favorite movie is Dragon Zakura. Back to Tokyo Nokogen team, I ask midoka if they want to take picture together for all of Sumbawagen team, I will talk to my friend. And off course they want it. We took picture together, strong relation between sumbawagen and Tokyo Nokogen it’s awesome right. Very nice moment metjapanese people talk and sharing with them and teach bahasa indonesia such as “nama saya”, “selamat pagi”, and  saori, madoka, tried to speel it, it’s nice and best moment ever for all of the best moment before.
We are very happy because all of Indonesia iGEM team attend in our presentation today especially for kak kenia, kak eka, kak joko and kak christian from ITB team, I am very glad to know them. Smart, beatifull or handsome and friendly. I have sharing and told many stories to kak kenia and kak Joko about not just about iGEM but almost about life experience, study, and many tips. Thanks for that. 
Indonesia iGEM Team 2014

Indonesia iGEM team From UI, ITB, UB and UTS (Sumbawgen) took picture together in front of room 210. Fortunately, snow fall after Sumbawagen presentation, this is the first experience to see and touch the snow with my hand. It’s cold man, wow. It’s amazing. I enjoyed every seconds of snow fall, I took many picture with my phone, I am scream. When I reminds this moment it’s just like a dream. Thanks to god for all of this experience, I told you when we played with snow we don’t use our jacket, this my first snow and will be the secod and third.
And we took picture with paper that write one of our friends name I hold Nugrah names in my hand, this the special day in iGEM competition. The next schedule is poster session, this the last session I met many friends, many judges, that came to our poster. I explained the project all of about Econey Project and they will give us a comment about our project as well. This is the first I met Sandy from NCTU Formosa team, after I explained about the project We talk so many story and the difficult to finished our project. Sandy for the second time join in this competition, she is an Instructors with so many experience with iGEM Competition, I want learn more about the project and technique for syntetic biology. So, for the next year I can fund my financial support and finished my project with my self not depend on my lecture with so many complicated idea.
I think I have enough experience and will be increased to join iGEM competition next year but with my team only. I wish to build and construct my own project from begining until the end of the project. I believe I can do it, I need Instructors, I need Sumbawagen Financial data for all of financial support that we spent it, and I need my teams. I will the best student from my university to make it  happen. From today when I wrote this diary I will start my fisrt step to learn and contact all of the people who can instruct me to join this competition, I believe my dreams and make it happen.
Special event today also we met FBI to explain about Safeguarding science, this the first time I seen FBI with my eye front of me, wa can talk with him. FBI as the sponsor for this competition to give the instruction and direction about science that use to crime, use virus and bacteria to infect all of the people. Science used to help people not for crime.
And last event today is dance party, wow it’s amazing, with band and table dinner with good lighting and all of the people in center of the dance floor. I felt free, shake it off, waggle your body, follow the music, it’s awesome. I see that iGEM want to show the western culture, with no gap between  boys and girls, there is no culture, and so many things that not agreed with Indonesia culture. “Keep up the good work being part of iGEM is no small achievement and sharing synthetic biology with everyone is something we should all with forward to, spread the word, keep your passion and synthetic biology passion anywhere you go, see you next year”(ITESM, CEM Team)

November 3rd 2014
Eight day in USA
The last day of iGEM Giant Jambore competition, the awarding day and cloosing ceremony. For the finalist presentetation for undergraduate student are NCTU Formosa Taiwan, Imperial collage London, and Hedelberg Team. And for overgradute student are UC Davis, TU Darmastadt, and wageningen UR. They will presentation in front of all the participant on stage, they will present about their project and good presentation as well.
Sumbawagen Team 2014

And I think from NCTU-Formosa team is the best presentation use concept like the special agent that report of the case in the world about insect security. With all the music instrument and good english speaker.
The announce will begining, my beat heart qucikly. Our team got bronze medal, policy and practices shoot out, dan Best chairman’s award 2014. Whoah, I am very happy  I high five with fahmi, I hug azhar, and I run to fron of the stage. I fel happy and proud of my team, our effort, our teamwork, our spent time together to do all this nice work. This is the first time I stand on more than 2500 participants and 245 team. After the MC tell the audience we are from a new University establish in last year, after that all of the audience give us standing upplause. Wow, that’s amazing Indonesia the one of country from Asia “Sumbawagen”. With hijab and small body and we are 18 years old, we still young, we have more chance, and bright future for this competition guys.all of the participant give appretiation to us, the said nice work guys, your awesome. and we just say thank you so much. And this is the first I hug mr.Arif on stage when we get the trophy. I told you our thropy is the biggest thropy in this competition and very awesome right. 
iGEM Chairman's Award 2014

After the awarding programe we have took picture with out lovely friend Tokyo Nokogen with the sweetest pink clothes, Aachen Team from Germany that want shipp to us an equipemt laboratory, and also from NCTU Team my favorite team in this competition with Blue clothes and Friendly members also we hava took picture together with all of the part of iGEM. So many Judges give us appreciation, spirit, and give us motivated to join this competition next year.
Many teams want to take picture with us and the one of members from mexico team give me a hug, I feel many loves in here thank you so much friend. This is the competition the best ever in my life. You’re give us the power and rise me up so we can standing on this competiton guys. Your words very meaningfull and fillfully with love. I think this is not just a competiton but this is how the wolrd look at the small country in Asia, small region in Indonesia, namely Sumbawa.
I realize that our limitiation is not the ending of the world and make our wakeness. But this is the chance to prove and open the gate to all of Sumbawa society that we can do anything if we have believe our dreams, and we will try to make it happend. Don’t matter How it’s diffucult but How we can reach it with our Effort and spirit. Thanks god  Alhamdulillah, you give us all of the greatest think in my life. With all my lovey parents I love you so much, to chief judge of measurement that give very big appreciate to our project and our effort also with our limitation that we have succeded to break it, and the special thinks to my friend Patrick from UCC ireland as my best friend in this competition.
Yeahhh !!

Yeah, we did it ! guys. Do you know all the limitiation as become to our strength to make it all happen. Thank you mr.Sukidi that pick up in Hyness Convention Center. That give me a warm hug I Love it, youa are give our spirit and more motivation, and with your willingness and your patients that give to us. Thank you mr. Sukidi, you are the best one person that I met before.
For the last competition we went to front of Hyness Convention Center and met so many teams. So many love and happiness that I felt. We wen to bus stop to Harvard Square and then we will meet with the girls and mr.sukid by car, we brought many Harvard Souvenir to my friends in Sumbawa, My lovely parents, My brother and My sister, and that person close to me. Thank you.

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