Selasa, 25 November 2014

Section 3 - iGEM Giant Jambore 2014 October 30th- November 3rd 2014

October 31th 2014
Fifth day in USA
Practice session last day
     Open ceremony, iGEM competition will be opened today. Competition followed by 245 teams, more than 2500 participants, and 32 countries synthetic Biology competition, an International competition. I realized the first time participated in international competition with multicultural people, with different university and country. Bring my pride university, bring Indonesia to the wolrd. We will be a moeslim scientist that can hold of the world, we will bring came back our glory to our hands. I belive that and when I remember this sentence, dont’ matter where you are from I never scared and step backward.

     Randy rettberg President and founder of iGEM foundation says “Congratulation for the hardwork, creativity, and responsibility that brough you to Boston. To the instructors and advisors, They did it, but they needed your help and support. To all the volunteers and commite members. Thank you for your wisdom and toil and for all the compromises that made this event real. To iGEM headquarters staff. Just thank you”. 
Presentation session

     Today I watched presentation in room 306 there are 3 presentation first UT-Tokyo, second HZAU-China, and NUDT China. NUDT China it’s just using video because they cannot attend the iGEM Giant Jambore because all of the members not get US Visa. Break time, we visited Hall C the place for break, I am makinga cup of cofee with many sugar with honey, good combination. We seen has many team stand by on his poster to give explanation about his project but from schedule poster session is 5.30-8.00 am, now still10.45 am. Okey maybe they are so diigent so azhar and I visited some poster first    LZU china with his project A novel microbial fuel cell system that can measure substrates concentrations using genetic enginereed bacteria we shared many things and also we ask many things, but during the conversation we hardly understood each other because they English skill it’s not enough to catch our meaning as the feed back of the project. And also we are same track with this team, two members from this team explain to us about their project with yellow t-shirt and the end of the explanation we took picture together. For the second team we visited Tokyo-tech with their yen project I called their project because they using flow of money from producer to consumer with helped by bank. They give us ID card and we selfie together, it’s very nice picture, awesome. after that we visited one team at policy and practices track GES NCU Team, he explained about the project, I think it’s quite simple project needed time 23 hours to build the website. Content of the website is quisioner online about understanding of synthetic biology with range each number from 1 to 5. I am very supprise  both of that this team just have 8 respondent until the end of the day and this team as the best Policy and practices track. Today I met so many students especially from Asian team and two team European. I got many souvenir when I visited they posters.

     At 3.00 pm Sumbawagen team and mr.arif visited Massachuchets Institute of Technology (MIT) by foot. It’s awsome right. We use google maps as our guide. On the way we pass charles river, it’s so beatifull with wind in my hair, it’s just like a romance movie. We took picture in MIT, I selfie everywhere. From Hyness Convention Center to MIT spend time 30 minutes. We look around of us is very beautifull place and college. The best enginereed college in the world, I stand here and I felt this atmosphere “MIT Atmosphere”. Actuallly MIT is the one of my dream campus after Harvard University and NCTU-Taiwan. After we took picture together in front of two big build we came back soon in Hyness Convention Center to continue the next session “Poster session”.
Massachushetts Institute of Technology

     Poster session is one of the best part of this competition. Why I like so much this session? It’s because in this session we can explanation whole of Econey project to all visitor of our poster and we met so many students from different team and they can ask anything question to us, so interaction between us it will happened. Practices our English is very challanging for me. I must speak English with native speakers from American, European, Asian. It’s more challanging when I speak with native speaker, I am worry with my grammar and spelling. This is very impressive session for me.
Evry iGEM Team France

Community dinner,

November 1st 2014,
Sixth day in USA
     Daily activity in the morning, mr. Sukidi pick up Harvard and MIT team, MIT Team always Late and then breakfast in mr sukid house, say hay to everyone on there, used Bus 87 to Leichmere station continue to Prodential station in green line and met mr.arif in room 2260.
Instruction today “We separated two team, one team work on presentation, the other one work on interacted with the other teams. we must meet many people, interract with them, selfie or take picture together, we ask ID card and email address, and don’t attend in presentation because it’s not effective.”Mr.arif said. Oke, rogger that.

Leichmere Station

     Actually today I attend for Gaston day school presentation is our neighbor poster, UFAM Brazil the next presentation after Gaston day school team, and ITB Indonesia as our friends. Fact in this competition, when we attend at their presentation they will attend in our presentation. Especially for the small team. So, after we attend their presentation we meet them and say “That’s nice presentation, I think your project it’s very applicated” and than continued with this sentence “I am very happy if you want attend our presentation on November 2nd, 2014 at 10.00 pm, room 210.” That’s quite simple but very effective.
Freidburg iGEM Team Germany
     Funders panel in room 302, it’s very opened your mind about funding activity every teams. I catched from this meeting. For the first, don’t matter your put the sponsors logo in your wiki, jacket, uniform, and etc. That matter is what is your contribution to your sponsor. Second, if you want ask financial support and ask to be your sponsors of your team. Our team got bronze medal in last year competition from 245 Universities in the world, 32 countries. That words will be give your more chance to get they support. In the fact to get Bronze medal we just need the requirement or classification for medal. This is unique from this competition “Give, Get, share” philosophy. We do not fall each other, but we must support each other. It’s nice, right.
The one of my favorite judge from Imperial College London his name TOM

 Lunch today is special lunch because I am one table with uOttawa team,  I met Peter Doan, Alex, Nicholas, and Rebcca. All of them very friendly and easy to talk. I sharing about sumbawagen team first experience in iGEM competition, new university established in 2013, and many talk about my self. Nicholas as the one person that impressive with our effort “what amazing a new University joined in iGEM competition” and he talk many about they effort also to join this competition “actually, uOttawa iGEM team join in this competition since 2006 but they talked about very hard to get sponsored to join this competiton, many of this member use they own money to attend this Gian Jambore. Fortunately from canada to Boston is not too far”. uOttawa team presentation same with Sumbawagen schedule.

My dream
      The rest of the time today I use to interract with the other team that attend in poster room, eventhough today there is not schedule for poster session. After that we back to mr.arif room at 10.00 pm to continue finishing presentation and evaluation. Finally, just half of the Sumbawagen team that came back to mr.Sukidi house and the other must finished presentation (azhar, fahmi, indah, and yuli). I told you this is very challanging competition that we must finished that presentation for 12 hours left. I just pray for all my friend hope to be succesfull for tomorrow. Homeward bound we were tired and very cold, I often slept in everywhere such as train, bus station, in bus. Really, I am very limp. we were arrived in leichmere station we lost bus number 87, after that we called mr.sukidi for suggestion and he ask us to use bus number 86. An then drop at siverstar st. But, until the end of the bus track we cannot find siverstar st. And we lost in Harvard Square, oh god it’s very cold, we must walk again to the next bus stop.

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